Slightly Greener Living

By Award-Winning Toxin Expert Tonya Harris, MSHN, BCHN®

The Membership

Everything You Need to Detoxify Your Home

(Without Turning Your Lifestyle Upside-Down!)


Do you cringe when you think about detoxing your home? 

The thought of having to toss everything and start fresh can be daunting, but what if I told you it doesn't have to be that way? 

You can detox your home quicker and easier than you think - and without breaking the bank.

I designed this membership site with the information I wish I had ten years ago, when my son started showing attention issues in second grade and the school wanted to test him for ADHD. 

A couple weeks of research and a few tweaks to the diet later, those symptoms were lessened so much that the school no longer saw a need to test him for ADHD diagnosis. And I was hooked on a more natural approach.

But the more I researched, the more I was shocked when I found out about the toxic chemicals all around us. It wasn't just harmful ingredients in the foods we ate, it's also what we put on our skin and even the air we breathe in our homes that can affect us.

Food and product labels are confusing, many label claims are misleading, and there are cancer-causing hidden toxins allowed in products that are not required to be listed on the label.

It takes hours and hours of research to become an educated consumer, and there is a lot of mis-information out there!

The good news? I have done thousands of hours of research, so you don't have to.


And you can start right now. 

Joining this community will give you everything you need for a healthier home, with quick, actionable tips, and an extensive library full of videos, tools, and cheat sheets available for members only. 

You'll sleep much better at night (maybe even your kids will, too - removing toxins can also help with sleep issues!), knowing that you're doing the best for your family. 

For less than a dollar a day, you'll discover how to protect your family's health without busting your budget, and without the overwhelm of wondering how/where to start.

Want my opinion on a certain product? Or a safer swap? This is the place to get support. You don't have to struggle alone - we're all on this journey together.  

Hi, I'm Tonya, and I'm an award-winning toxin expert and author, dedicated to helping you discover simple ways to have a healthier home and family. I'm also a mother of three and a childhood cancer survivor. 🎗

You may have seen my healthy living tips on TV shows such as The Dr. Oz Show, CBS Los Angeles, Great Day Washington, Good Day LA, or CBS New York, or online in publications like Good Housekeeping, Martha Stewart Living, Parents, Better Homes & Gardens, Architectual Digest, and Southern Living.

After seeing my son's attention issues decrease after a few simple tweaks to his diet, I was hooked on finding out about how toxins in the home could be affecting our health, so I went back to school for a Master's degree and then went on to become Board Certified in Holistic Nutrition so that I could help other parents with what I had learned. 



You're in luck! The Slightly Greener Membership is here! 

Here's what you'll get inside the membership:

The Slightly Greener Method™

We can’t avoid everything, but this method gives you a roadmap to help you decide which toxins to prioritize avoiding for your family’s unique needs - quickly and easily! You'll just be concentrating on a few things at a time, rather than doing a full overhaul of the entire house in one fell swoop. 

It's broken down into several main sections of the home: foods/beverages, cosmetics and personal care products, and cleaning products. Use the workbook to discover your why, and then to map out which toxic ingredient or two you want to start avoiding first, then move on from there.

Safer Swaps

Once you have started removing toxic products, what should you replace them with? Take the overwhelm and guesswork out by using the Safer Brands guide, which is updated monthly with newer brands (and removing products whose ingredients may have changed).

Organization Tips  

Your home should be a calm, healthy haven, and as you start replacing toxic products you may realize you don't actually need as many products as you think. The Slightly Greener Method will show you how to clean out areas such as the pantry, refrigerator, spice cabinet, makeup bag, and your cleaning products - and how to organize these areas to make them easy to keep up.

Plus clutter can be considered toxic, so keeping these frequently used areas clean and organized can do wonders for stress levels!

Full Access to the Resource Library

Get access to every current (and future) guide we have created, such as: Toxins to Toss for Fewer Attention Issues, EMF Protection, Hidden Toxins, Safer Sunscreens, Ingredients to Avoid cheat sheets, & much more. Plus you'll get all the Cheat Sheets from The Slightly Greener Life podcast all in one convenient place - no more entering your name and email every time.

A Facebook Community + Monthly Q&A Calls  

Join us for monthly Q & A calls to get all your questions answered! And join the supportive Facebook community for tips for another place to answer your questions, and to get tips from fellow community members on the same journey.


Cancel anytime with just the click of a button.

Monthly memberships will automatically be charged monthly on the original date of purchase.

12-month and Lifetime Access memberships will be charged in full at time of purchase.

Purchase Lifetime Access and get access to all current & future courses! See below.

Nontoxic dog treats


Purchase the Lifetime Access option and get access to more than just the membership! In addition to The Slightly Greener Jumpstart, you'll also get access to Green by Design (safer home furnishings, paints and flooring), Green Beginnings (healthy nursery and baby items), and the popular Green Your Clean™ (nontoxic ways to clean just about every surface in your home), and Green Pets (safer food, treats, and toys for pets). These are sold individually for $27 to $97 each, but you'll get them included with Lifetime Access!


Q: How is the information delivered?

A: It's all online, and it's delivered through an easy-to-use site called Kajabi. Just create a log-in, and the info will be waiting! Questions, trainings, and group calls will be through Zoom and through the private, members-only Facebook group.

Q: What if I can't make a Q & A calls? Can I still get my question answered?

A: Of course! Submit your question ahead of time in the Facebook group, or by email. (we will send out an email before each call, so it's as easy as hitting "reply" and asking your question). All call recordings will be placed in the membership site for easy reference.

Q: What is your refund policy?

A: Due to the digital and downloadable nature of the membership, we don't offer a refund policy.

Q: When will I be charged?

A: You will be charged as soon as you purchase. Payments for the monthly membership will recur automatically each month on the date of the original purchase until you cancel. Yearly memberships will be charged every year on the original date of purchase. You can cancel at anytime. Lifetime Access memberships will be charged one-time on the date of purchase.

Q: What does Lifetime Access mean?

A: This means that you will have access to the membership and materials for as long as it exists. You won't have to worry about renewing your membership or losing access to the community, Q & A calls, resources, or future materials. If the membership would eventually close, you would get access to all course materials in a Dropbox folder.

Cancel anytime with just the click of a button.

Monthly memberships will automatically be charged monthly on the original date of purchase.

12-month and Lifetime Access memberships will be charged in full at time of purchase.

Purchase Lifetime Access and get access to all current & future courses!

About Tonya

Tonya Harris, MSHN, BCHN® is an award-winning environmental toxin expert, author, & founder of Slightly Greener, offering busy families simple tips for reducing toxins without turning their family’s lifestyle upside-down. As a childhood leukemia survivor and mother of three, Tonya helps parents learn how toxins in the home can affect their family’s health. In addition to Board certification and a Master's degree in holistic nutrition, she holds multiple certificates in the environmental health field.

Tonya has been featured online in publications such as
Reader’s Digest, MindBodyGreen, Insider, Architectural Digest, Good Housekeeping, Yahoo Life!, Better Homes & Gardens, Southern Living, and Martha Stewart Living, and has appeared on TV shows across the country, such as Great Day Washington, Great Day Houston, CBS New York, CBS Los Angeles, KTLA Morning News, Good Day LA, and The Dr. Oz Show for her expertise in environmental toxins and green cleaning.

Her book, The Slightly Greener Method: Detoxifying Your Home is Faster, Easier, & Less Expensive Than You Think, is available everywhere books are sold, and her podcast, The Slightly Greener Life is available on your favorite podcast platform.